About Us
Kishor Lulla

Advocate Kishor Lulla is B.Com.LL.B & by profession, is Sales Tax Consultant since 1980. He is practicing in the firm T. B. Lulla & Company at Sangli, which is established in 1959. He has expertise in Goods & Services Act.

His son Amit has also joined him as GST practitioner & CA Anish Shah as Income Tax and Audit faculty. The firm also have separate accounting department.

He is past president of Goods & Service Tax Association of Maharashtra.

He is Managing Committee Member of All India Federation of Tax Practitioner’s Association.

Mr. Lulla is past president of Taxation Consultants Association, Sangli.

A book “Fun Tax Stic” is released on 26th July 2013 consisting of 62 cartoons drawn by him relating to taxation field were published in the Sales Tax Review from June 2008 to July 2013. Read More....

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